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Monthly Archives: July 2016

Time To Replace Roof

You get a blister on your hand from a weekend of yard work and you put a little antibiotic cream and a bandage on; you’re good to go. Not so when your roof

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Maintenance Of Roof

Knowing your commercial property is ultimately protected by the strong, weather-tough roof over your head, what sort of TLC does your commercial roofing

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Wet Felt Paper Roof

The felt as you know is designed as a last stand against water intrusion on to the roof sheathing and into the home. Roofing felt or tar paper can be left out in

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Drones Impact On Industry

Drones were invented specifically for military missions. Now, any person, military or not, can fly these unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs. Because of the recent

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Make Your Roof Art

Roof Art has been around for years. Normally the artwork is a theme of what the business is. Like different colors of shingles like that of a Minnesota barn,

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Measuring A Roof Safely.

Measuring a roof from the ground can be a much safer way to get the information you need to do a roof. This week I was asked to teach a new solar estimator

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