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Maintenance Of Roof

Knowing your commercial property is ultimately protected by the strong, weather-tough roof over your head, what sort of TLC does your commercial roofing need? What is the break-even point between asking your facilities manager to devote time and money to maintaining the roof, and deferring even the most basic maintenance?

Invest in Your Company’s Future

Proper maintenance of commercial roofing is an expense, sure, but it is also an investment in extending the life not only of the roof, but of your business. You may feel you cannot afford annual inspection and maintenance, but consider: can you afford to shut down due to water leaks, damaged inventory, or slip and fall accidents caused by a failing roof?

Annual Inspection

Beldon Roofing can safeguard your company’s future and the lifespan of your commercial roofing by providing annual inspections:

  • An initial observation to include a written analysis of your roofing system
  • Follow-up annual observations to track repairs, visually survey the total roof system, and check flashings and roof-related accessories
  • Each observation includes a checklist so nothing is left to memory

If you choose to do inspections in-house, make certain your maintenance crews check:

  • The complete roof system—deck, insulation, membrane or felt layers, flashing, drains, scuppers and downspouts
  • Wear and age patterns—Your commercial roofing wears more at the prevailing wind’s leading edge, for example, and around frequently serviced add-ons, such as HVAC units
  • Parapet condition—Anywhere the roofing surface meets vertical surfaces, but especially at the parapets, water can infiltrate
  • General cleanliness—Debris on your roof can tear a single-ply membrane
  • Seams—Open seams or failed laps are frequent causes for water infiltration

Regular Maintenance

After an annual or semiannual inspection, routine maintenance can add years of useful life to your commercial roofing. This maintenance should include:

  • Clearing scuppers and interior drains of organic and inorganic debris
  • Clearing plant matter and squeegeeing water from ponds (areas of standing water)
  • Re-adhering lifted seams or failed laps in the roofing material
  • Sweeping the roof clean
  • Replacing loose or missing mechanical fasteners
  • Reattaching or replacing flashing
  • Documenting all repairs, including photographs and complete descriptions of conditions before and after repairs.

One Responseso far.

  1. Dennis Frank says:

    Impressive article ! Waiting for the next update.